نحن نساعدك علي جميع الخدمات النصيحة الاجراءات

Lawyer Mohammed bin Samy Saaty office

One of the best-leading offices in the field of law and consulting

Legal, Sharia, and legal services of various kinds

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia and internationally. Our office includes a high selection of lawyers and experts.

Legal consultants and specialists in international legal relations.


Maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of customers without exception.


Transparency, friendship and integrity in our dealings with customers.


Diligence to develop the most successful solutions to legal and legitimate issues and problems.


Harnessing expertise and competencies to make all the cases we manage and plead successful.

Owner / founder of the office

About the Office of lawyer Mohammed bin Samy Saaty:

Workflow steps

We walk with our clients on a legal journey through several steps until we reach the desired goal with him, passing through the following

The meeting

The study

The show




A meeting with the client is held at the premises of our office, at the client's premises, or via one of the modern means of communication to understand, absorb, and discuss his topic and understand his requests, needs, and goals

Preparing a comprehensive legal study of the client's subject through the submitted documents, the facts indicated from them, and reviewing the relevant regulations.

Submit a practical and financial presentation containing a business plan and actions to be taken, in addition to the amount of fees.

A contract is concluded to determine the place of contracting, indicate all the details regarding the obligations, duties, and responsibilities of each party, and include any other items that are agreed upon.

With clear and specific steps and an agenda, the implementation of tasks and works related to the client's topic is started with all diligence and diligent pursuit.

Our policy of continuous communication with the client is to inform him of all the details, according to periodic reports of all developments related to his topic

Founder's word

The main role of a lawyer lies in understanding all aspects and facts of various cases, the impact of which is his orientation in them. This requires the lawyer to be familiar with the basic sciences of this profession and aware of how important it is and the size of the impact it may have as a result of making decisions according to his perspective, including great responsibility and heavy honesty.
Therefore, it is imperative for everyone who practices this profession to take into account Allah Almighty, to feel the magnitude of the responsibility that he has on his shoulders, and to set his sights on lifting injustice and realizing the truth. The tools available in our present technology, programs, and development have become an assistant to the lawyer in performing his tasks easily.
This is the direction of our wise government, and Vision 2030 aims to facilitate people’s affairs and deliver rights to their people. In our offices, we are committed to providing our valued clients with legal and legitimate services with all honesty and in the best modern ways.

Our experiences

Why the office of lawyer Muhammad bin Sami Saati?

We adhere to all human values in our dealings with all clients, because honesty and honesty are the basis of our dealings with all clients, because we are committed to managing all issues, consulting, and business with high professionalism, and because we involve our clients in all the details of the course of issues that they entrusted us to manage or the work that they assigned us to implement. We provide the necessary legal protection to all clients against any legal action that may be taken against them. We put at the disposal of the client all the means and possibilities, from technical and administrative means, legal and commercial expertise, or special relationships linking the office with various institutions and individuals, because we rely in our work on an experienced team of the most competent lawyers and legal consultants who have combined experience and outstanding scientific competencies.

إحجز موعد الان

احجز موعدك الان في اي وقت تحب فنحن نعمل علي مدار الاسبوع لخدمتك ماذا تنتظر ارسل الان.

الرؤية و الرسالة


We strive to be a leading role model in the field of law and legal services by adopting an integrative approach in terms of the comprehensiveness and diversity of the services we provide to individuals, companies, and various other sectors.

The message

We provide the best legal services by relying on the most qualified lawyers and legal consultants to ensure the benefit of the largest segment of clients inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



لماذا مكتب المحامي محمد بن سامي ساعاتي

لأننا نلتزم بجميع القيم الإنسانية في تعاملنا مع كافة العملاء لأن الصدق والأمانة هما أساس تعاملنا مع كافة العملاء لأننا نلتزم بإدارة جميع القضايا والاستشارات والأعمال بمهنية عالية لأننا نشرك عملاءنا في كل تفاصيل مسار القضايا التي أوكلوا لنا إدارتها أو الأعمال التي كلفونا بتنفيذها. نوفر الحماية القانونية اللازمة لجميع العملاء ضد أي إجراءات قانونية قد تتخذ في حقهم .

نضع تحت تصرف العميل كافة الوسائل والإمكانيات، من وسائل تقنية وإدارية أو خبرات قانونية وتجارية أو علاقات مميزة تربط المكتب بمختلف المؤسسات والأفراد لأننا نعتمد في عملنا على فريق متمرس من اكفأ المحامين والمستشارين القانونيين الذين جمعوا بين الخبرة والكفاءات العلمية المتميزة

Founder's word:

The main role of a lawyer lies in understanding all aspects and facts of various cases, the impact of which is his orientation in them. This requires the lawyer to be familiar with the basic sciences of this profession and aware of how important it is and the size of the impact it may have as a result of making decisions according to his perspective, including great responsibility and heavy honesty.

Our partners